1) Animatron: Animating Giant Tool

This tool is used to create the best HTML5 animations. Both experienced and newbies can use it. Its features give you cloud access to save the project and access them later. This powerful editor can help create animated content for different devices such as desktop, laptop, mobile, etc.  

2) HTML5 Maker: Your Ad Maker

This tool provides a large number of templates, out of which you can select any for building your websites. You can change text and images on the template and you are good to go. Mostly advertising companies use this tool because of its vast collection of animations that can be used to design banner.  

3) GSAP: Next Generation Animation Tool

GSAP is a modern browser by which designers can animate anything, such as CSS properties, canvas library objects, SVG, generic objects, etc. You can implement any feature by creating a plugin. It provides high performance by reducing the loading time as it is not based on any third party tool. It has a very supportive community that provides solutions immediately.  

4) Mugeda: Cloud-Based Tool

By this tool, the designer can transform his imagination into a visual marvel by producing expandable, banners, mini-games, and interstitials. Mugeda Cloud Studio and Mugeda JavaScript API reduce the cost and time of developers and designers significantly. The other benefits of it are it offers Cloud-based Professional IDE with action, timeline, and symbol.  

5) Google Web Designer: A Majestic Animation Tool

In this tool, good visualization can be done by using HTML5 content. Due to this tool, we can get the most advanced animation features like manipulating 3D, 2D designs beside any axis and rotating objects. Besides designing, it offers assimilation with Google Drive, Double Click Studio and Ad Words.  

6) Hippo studios: The Power House

Hippo studios offer an extensive range of features for designing animation. It lets you use vectors for completely carved edges irrespective of the size of the object. You can take the help of HTML5 to play YouTube, MP4, Ogg, and WebM videos. It also allows you to attach slideshows and image grids.  

7) Edge Animate CC: An Adobe Animation Tool

It has become quite easier to handle the animation after the launch of Adobe Edge Animate. Moreover, it can have support for both desktop and mobile browsers. It creates animation for digital publishing, rich media, advertising, web and many more. The developments made to the newest versions are the use of audio, script loading and approachable scaling.  

8) Node Fire: Your Responsive Tool

Web designers can use this responsive animation tool, Node Fire, as both a web app and a standalone application. Node Fire does all the exciting works automatically by handling mouse and touch events with a delay timer support. Further, web designers can animate any CSS styles and can track animation changes in design mode through this tool. It moves scene support to a new level with the introduction of scene window concept. By using this tool you will be able to produce multiple windows, add or delete a window and also play and pause windows when an event appears.  

9) Motion Composer: An Automated Approach

Motion Composer provides an easy approach by producing a slide for every content state instead of choosing animation styles. Also, it simplifies the approach by automatically making the animation paths without requiring an animating content frame by frame. And, one can see these animations anywhere like on desktop, smartphones, and tablets.  

10) Radi: Your Vector Graphics Tool

This is used to create animation, video and real-time graphics for Mac OS X. This tool does not make a web page into a video file, you only need to create a

Signing off

Today, there is competition in every field. Every organization wants to remain competitive by making their own website. If you have designed your website and it is not much influential or up to date, you will stay behind your competitors. Your competitors will go ahead and you fail to achieve your goal. Therefore, you need to design your website, including web page animations,  in such a manner that users will be fattened up for a long. You can design your website by incorporating unique web page animations and typography trends to make it attractive.