1. Drip-Drip Marketing

The more that people are exposed to an idea, service or product, then the more they grow attached to it and the more likely they are to buy. Simply posting affiliate adverts onto Google and on websites may not be enough, you may need to prime the pump first, and you can do that with your social media and blog posts. Expose people to a stream of ideas that they slowly become attached to and use that attachment to push your products or services on them. Give people more exposure to your brand so that they may trust you more easily.  

2. Conveying the Correct Message

Use a professional editing service to ensure your posts make sense. They make sense to you because you know the message you want to convey, but even the smallest mistake or grammatical error can result in your text sending out the wrong message.  

3. Keeping It Concise

One of the best ways to make sure your message is not misunderstood is to keep it short and concise. Plus, you have to remember that you are dealing with an Internet-savvy audience, and they have learned that skim reading and efficient page navigation is a must, otherwise, they would spend hours looking for even the simplest scrap of information. Keep it concise so that skim readers are more likely to stop and read through your text.  

4. Hone Your Marketing Message

There is nothing wrong with posting your many affiliate adverts online with different marketing messages to see which gets the most conversions, but you may learn just as much from figuring out why they convert. Your blog posts and your social media posts may convey the same message as your most high-performing affiliate adverts. If your social media and blog posts do not receive the same amount of attention, then it is obvious that your buyer has already made up his or her mind to buy and is simply looking for a seller; which is important information. If your blog and social media posts “Do” receive a lot of attention, then you may use that information to figure out why people are paying it attention and why that translates to clicks on your adverts.  

5. Linking Back to Your Website

Not only will this help you draw more direct traffic from your social media posts, blog posts, forum posts, etc., but it will also help to rank you up the Google search engine results. It may also help you rank up the search engine results for certain questions (not keywords), and it may help you appear in search engine results that your competitors are not appearing in. Obviously, these perks may also be downsides if you do not optimize your blog/social-media pages correctly. For example, appearing in a search engine result that your competitors are not appearing in is only good if your target audience are seeing the search engine result, it is not so great if you are appearing in search engine results that have nothing to do with your company, brand, products or services.  

6. Getting Your Target Audience to Contribute

One method for growing your business and growing your online presence is to start a social blogging experiment with the aim of getting your users and your readers to contribute. There are many ways of doing this, from setting up a community with Google+, to having people suggest your next post on YouTube. There are some blogs that ask users to comment and others that encourage users to contribute so that the next post may be made up of whatever the contributors created. Other people contribute so that you may grow your business by selling to them, and your contributors take some of the social blogging work off your hands so that social blogging costs you less in staff hours.