#1. Consider the users

When creating a mobile app, it is important to keep the users in mind. Although a good number of your customers uses Smartphones, that does not indicate that they will be smart enough to use your app especially if it is complicated. Therefore, you should ensure that your app has an easy to understand the procedure. Your app must have an easy to download and use style. Additionally, you must ensure that your app is consistent. Keep everything open for the user to see and understand.  

#2. First thought

Mobile’s apps are taking over the market today. When creating your business app, the functionality and design really matters. Your mobile app should not serve as an extra screen for you put in all your staff. It is an entirely separate entity. The more functionality it has the more fun your users will have when using the app. They will also enjoy the fact that you value their experience. This is one of the long term investments your business will make. It is important to make it a good one.  With mobile phones taking over, you need to allow your users to use your app both on their phones and their desktops.  

#3. Be careful with deadlines

You need to understand that your mobile apps have expiry dates. You therefore need to ensure that you create and get them in the market in less than two months. This is mainly because your consumers change their preferences every three months. You therefore need to catch up and change as they do so that you can remain relevant and gain conversions for your job.  

#4. Beat your competition

To be the best, you need to out play your competition. There are peak seasons when mobile apps are released into the market. You need to beat your competitors and release yours a bit earlier. These marketing strategies ensure that you get the best results. Ensure that you use optimization searches to make your apps easy to access.  

#5. Make them smooth

Today more than ever before people understand that time is money. While most people have smartphones, they are not as technologically savvy as they seem. In many cases, they do not want to waste their time on apps that will consume more time than they have to use them. It is, therefore, better for you to make an app that is easy to use and that has straightforward and standard commands. It should also be easy to download. No one will waste their time trying to learn how to use your app while there are other apps form your competitors that are easy to use.  

#6. Do not use too many banners and ads

One of the main reasons why your apps fail is because you embed too many ads into them. While these ads allow people to find products and information they would not have had, they ruin the browsing experience of customers. Remember that the users have the freedom to delete the app the moment they feel that it is interfering with their browsing experiences. If you notice that users are not using your app or are deleting it all together, you need to find out why they are doing so. Some ads are also inappropriate, so you need to ensure that the ads you allow to include in your app will not be offensive.  

#7. Your domain name and keywords

One thing that is universal about search engines is that they find keywords in the search made and in the content written in websites. As search, they will check your domain name and your content. To ensure that you are ranked in the first pages and thus receive traffic to your site, you need to make your domain name one that can be used in the keywords. Domain names that are only numbers are also harder to remember tat those that have words users can remember. Choose a domain name, from your domain registrar, that is easy to remember and that also contains keywords from your articles.  

#8. Find a need and satisfy it

One thing about building a site is that it is like opening any business anywhere in the world, you need to satisfy certain needs. You, therefore, need to find a target demographic, what they need and find ways in which you can satisfy their needs. You also need to make sure that you are passionate about what you intend to do and are qualified to do it.  

#9. Invest some money

In the past it was fairly easy to get your site out there because the competition was low to medium. Today, however, everything has changed. There are thousands of sites online that are doing the same thing. To make yours stand out, you need to invest in it. Hire professionals who know how to build a successful website. Hire a domain name registrar who will offer you low cost domain names, and professionals who will ensure both your content and your ads are SEO friendly.  


The right mobile apps allow you to make great progress in your online business. Your customers can easily access male health statistics without having to worry about being unable to use the apps or having to deal with numerous advertisements. Mobile apps are a great way to make money for your business. Taking advantage of the opportunities and learning the recent trends allows you to find the right path to- follow when creating your mobile app.